Sophia Wekesa is a dancer,
a dj and an actor from Helsinki.
She has concentrated in the dancehall
dance and culture for the past 12 years
and is a member of The Bubblin' Crew.
Sophia is also a founding member and
the leader of the MNT Company.
In the works of the group she has studied,
what is to perform with the marginalized
bodies after the marginal narrative and
how to build a feminist working process
in the feminist performances. Sophia
teaches dance in the Bubblin' Moves
collective and at Saiffa Dance School.
She has also lectured for the students
in the Dance Bacholor’s Program at
The University of the Arts Helsinki.
Sophia has lectured about antiracist
tools as a part of dance together
with Sade ry and also for the students
of Åsa folkhögskolan street dance
program in Sweden.
Photos Caroline Suinner